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Interview to Pedro Fuset, designer of international prestige and Pioneer in the use of preserved elements

Verdissimo World

Entrevista Pedro Fuset - Verdissimo

Interview to Pedro Fuset, designer of international prestige and Pioneer in the use of preserved elements

Pedro Fuset is one of the designers that best knows preserved elements. His national and international journey with our products has made him a true master of preserved green and floral composition.

Entrevista Pedro Fuset - Verdissimo

So you get to know him a little bit more we have made an interview, where not only he tells us who he is but he also reveals to us the ins and outs of his work and of the current trends.

Who is Pedro Fuset? How would you describe yourself?

I am a professional with roots in design and floristry. My family was a producer of artificial plants when the market still permitted its production in Europe. After that, imports arrived and since our work was handcrafted we couldn’t compete with the products of Chinese origin.

Even though we stopped producing, I grew up in this sector, going with my father in his commercial visits from one place to another. I had that little worm inside me since I was little. Growing up in this sector has helped me have a prominent vision about flowers and design. I have been doing it all my life in a very successful way. If I had to define or describe myself I would say I am an individual passionate about his work, that has his DNA in the design and floral sector.

What characterizes you in your work? What is your characteristic mark?

My work is characterized by the search for the natural. That is my seal and also my objective in all my creations: to reproduce fragments of nature. I have never been famous for making too complicated compositions, nor for geometries or the use of foreign elements like pearls, feathers, etc. In my creations, if I decide to put a feather I put it in a natural way as if you had found it at that moment in the countryside.

In what way do you believe you have been a Pioneer in the decoration sector?

I have been a Pioneer in many things, but above all in the vertical gardens and the use of preserved elements. I would say I was one of the first to discover the virtues of preserved products. I fell in love with these products when I realized they are the perfect tool to work these compositions.

What inspires you at the time of creating new compositions or projects?

My inspiration is nature. I love combining the materials that can be found in the ground of any Wood: dry leaves, dirt, sand, stones, trunks, lichen… I like very much the imperfection of nature. That is what inspires me. When I speak of imperfection I mean that not all natural leaves are the same. In contrast, perfection would be that all leaves were the same, and you can´t find that in nature.
Pedro Fuset - GreenDecorum

In what ways do you use preserved products in your projects and how do they contribute to your pieces?

I use preserved products in my compositions to provide that touch of naturalness and that movement that is so hard to achieve with artificial products. Even though there are good artificial replicas, I always say that combining the artificial with the preserved I achieve an incredible movement and naturalness. You can achieve true meadows by combining both products.

What is the preserved product you most use and value?

Preserved materials have two main things, flowers, and greens. I think I can be one of the people at an international level most in love with greens, and who likes the most working with them. The flower is the panacea, but I love greens. It’s fantastic to reproduce with them a fragment of nature.

The products I mostly use are the preserved fills Tiki, Bear Grass … everything that differentiates a lot from the artificial and provides freshness to compositions. Also in floral compositions, I love to work with bicolor hydrangeas, providing the pieces with unique elegance and romanticism.

If you had to choose a Project with preserved elements in which you have worked on,  which one would it?

All projects are important. I enjoy everything that I do, even if it’s a big or small project. But if I had to remember now just one I would highlight the effect we created with the woods in Aquaservice.

Although without a doubt, my greatest work has been the decoration of the streets in Madrid for the wedding of King Felipe VI. In this work, we use a lot of preserved products, and even when it’s not usually used for exterior decoration, for a one-day event it’s perfect. The work resolved itself perfectly thanks to the qualities of these products. It couldn’t have been achieved with anything else.

I have also liked a lot working in Museística. I would highlight my work of León and Bucharest.

Where do you think decoration is advancing to and what do you think it’s going to be the trend in the following years?

In the middle of the pandemic, trends have been paralyzed. And in the period that’s coming, the post-pandemic era, we don’t know very well where trends are going to go. Although I can say that in reality what we are living has made us realize the need of connecting again with nature. It has proved the importance of the humanization of spaces. The small detail begins to gain ground, much more than the ostentation of the past. I could predict that the trend would revolve around the simple, natural, and pleasant. To create habitable spaces.

What is very clear is that we are living since many years ago in the boom of vegetation and it will continue to be so for some time, and we appreciate it after having lived in its total absence, which led us to minimalism.

In what ways would you like to innovate your projects in the future?

I have a project in mind of which I can speak to you about, a project for a commercial space with nature in the underground, where the main protagonist will be the vegetation characteristic to the caves. A project with which I want to evoke emotion and love for nature.

Would you like to conclude the interview with a couple of words?

To conclude I want to encourage the artists to search for the natural, the nature that created us, let’s enjoy it, its flowers, roots, and all the elements that compose it. We must not stop experimenting with nature since it has infinite possibilities. In any place, being at the side of the roads, or inside the mountains, in any place, close to nature, You may find inherent characteristics of the place that may inspire you.

With these words, he says goodbye to an interview that has allowed us to know with a Little more detail who he is and the ins and outs of his work, preserved products and the trends for the present and future.


Verdissimo | Discover the beauty of preserved flowers!

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