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Verdissimo in the IPM Essen Fair 2020

Verdissimo World

verdissimo in the ipm essen fair 2020 - verdissimo

Verdissimo in the IPM Essen Fair 2020

On January 30th, Verdissimo, the largest producer of preserved plants and flowers, took part as it does every year, in the IPM Fair in Essen, a city located in North-Westphalia, Germany.

verdissimo in the ipm essen fair 2020 - verdissimo

IPM Fair 2020

One year on, the best professionals in the floral decoration and gardening sector met up again to showcase their new tendencies. In this way, it has been possible to check those trends that will mark the coming months in flowering plants and decoration.

Decoration trends at the IPM Fair 2020

Vertical gardens

They remain as a dominant trend during recent years, but once again their importance was reinforced by the arrival of the fair. At Verdissimo, we have long been pioneers with their use, as can be seen in the following article about Vertical gardens with flowers and preserved plants.

Small and delicate flowers

Flowers like Gypsophila (Baby’s-breath) are increasingly present in decoration. Used in countless floral arrangements, increasingly looking for a very careful and detailed finish. So that every detail makes a difference.

Plants and greenery

With the growing popularity in decoration with large trees, also ferns and palms are also beginning to regain position. Another item also present was the Moss ball, ( Marimo) especially present in vertical gardens.


This is another trend that is increasingly being worked on and which, again, has been reinforced at the fair this year. There were only a few places that had no elements such as lamps, plants or hanging flowers, sometimes accompanied by sculptures that formed authentic works of art.

Autumnal and red colours

From the collection of products such as Eucalyptus or Pittosporum (Cheesewood), the colours most related to autumn, are more present in decorations and arrangements.

They are very common already in ceilings and in places like restaurants, bringing undoubted elegance.

Verdissimo in the IPM Fair 2020

Our main objective was to present to professionals in the sector the possibilities that preserved products offer in decoration and beauty of new ideas.

Showing other florists not only the advantages of preserved flowers and plants, but also everything you can achieve with them: floral arrangements, floral art compositions, ceiling decoration, vertical gardens, hatbox, and much more. As if they were all-natural flowers!

Among our new products, we would highlight two of them in particular.


gerbera ipm essen 2020 - verdissimo

Preserved rose

The Verdissimo stand at the IPM Fair 2020

As every year, our stand was dedicated to preserved products. This year, the star was the composition of a woman’s figure topped with a hat, made of course, with preserved flowers.

We also had the pleasure of receiving the visit of some of the most renowned floral artists at our stand, such as Nicolai Bergman.

Verdissimo | Discover the beauty of preserved flowers!

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