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Symbology of the number of roses in a bouquet

Verdissimo World

symbology of the number of roses in a bouquet - verdissimo

Symbology of the number of roses in a bouquet

We all have heard on a multitude of occasions about the meaning of the rose: love and passion.  Even the meaning of the colors of roses.  But, Have you ever thought that the number of roses you give and receive also has a meaning?

symbology of the number of roses in a bouquet - verdissimo

In this article, from Verdissimo, we know roses are one of the most gifted flowers in the world and that is why we want to dedicate this post to tell you everything about the meaning of the number of roses in a bouquet.

The symbology of the number of roses in a bouquet is very varied. Keep reading and discover what you are transmitting when giving a rose, two, three, ten, and even one hundred.

What does the number of roses in a bouquet mean?

1 rose

The meaning of giving one rose, why not, its very positive. If on a first date, the other party involved gives you a rose, it means that they have fallen in love at first sight with you. However, if it is your partner who gives you a single rose, what it means is that their love for you is still alive.

2 roses

To give two roses symbolizes the love that exists between a couple, the care between the two members of the couple, and the concern they feel for each other.

3 roses

In the first couple of years as a couple, three roses are usually given on anniversaries since they symbolize love and the desire for the relationship to continue forward.

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5 roses

Five roses convey a very clear message: I love you. It is a good way to tell your partner that you love her without using words.

6 roses

6 roses have another added meaning (besides I love you): passion, madness and lust. Give a bouquet of 6 roses if, in addition to affection and love, you want to transmit passion.

8 roses

An 8 roses bouquet also symbolizes appreciation. If you want to thank your partner for the love and affection they have given you during the relationship … the best option is a bouquet with this number of roses!

9 roses

Nine roses are synonymous with ‘forever’. Couples give each other 9 flower bouquets of roses when they want to tell the other person that their feelings are true and eternal.

10 roses

A set of 10 roses cannot be a more perfect gift and this is why, they symbolize the perfection of a relationship, a ten in love. Nothing better than this gift to tell the person you love that you don’t need anything else.

12 roses

The 12 roses have become the most common bouquet on Valentine’s Day. The one who gives it away wants to tell the other person that they are their true love, their love for life.

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13 roses

Many times we think that roses only symbolize passionate love between a couple. However, it all depends on the number of roses and their color. For example, a bouquet of 13 roses is perfect to give to a special friend. It is a way of telling him or her that your friendship is true and eternal.

15 roses

Say you’re sorry with 15 roses! A bouquet of 15 pink flowers symbolizes repentance, it’s a way to try to reconcile with your partner after an argument, or even after having made a mistake.

20 roses

The set of 20 roses is a symbol of truth. The truth that is hidden behind feelings, the sincerity that exists between a couple. If your partner gives you 20 roses or you give them to him or her, there is no doubt … your love is sincere and pure!

21 roses

The number 21 … the number we use to represent the admiration we feel for our loved one. If you want to tell your partner how much you admire him or her and how proud you feel, a bouquet of 21 roses is the best option.

24 roses

The set of 24 roses sends a very clear message: “I feel unconditional love for you.” Whoever sends it wants to say that whatever happens he or she will be available and will help their partner.

25 roses

25 is a very important number and you make the decision to give 25 roses on very special occasions, for example: on the 25th anniversary, 50th anniversary, etc. It is a perfect number that symbolizes exceptional love.

40 roses

The number 40 symbolizes a totally genuine, good, pure, transparent love. It is the symbol of true love, of trusting love …

50 roses

Love without limits. 50 roses are the perfect gift to tell your partner that what you feel for her does not follow limits or borders. It is the symbol of a real love that can handle everything.

100 roses

The 100 roses are the total surrender of one person to another. When a member of the couple gives the other a bouquet of roses with 100 of these flowers, it means that they love them and give them their whole heart.

We hope we have helped you understand how many roses you should put in a bouquet before giving it away. This number guide will surely help you discover which is the best option, always taking into account the feelings you have towards your partner.

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